Super Senior Celebrates Her 110th Birthday in SW China

Centenarian Zhong Shizhao (R) celebrates her 110th birthday on March 26 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. [wccdaily]

Zhong Shizhao, a woman who lives in a rural part of southwest China's Sichuan Province, celebrated her 110th birthday on March 26, arousing widespread interest in her great age.

Born in the late Qing Dynasty (1616-1912), Zhong witnessed the vicissitudes of the feudal period and the Republic of China (1912-1949), and finally embraced the New China to enjoy her later years.

Once, being a child bride with bound feet, Zhong toiled and struggled to earn a living for her eight children, shedding light on the life of traditional grassroots Chinese women.

Zhong was born to impoverished farm laborers hired by landlords. At only 14, she was brought to live with a family in her village as part of an arranged marriage. Both her husband and parents-in-law were laborers, too, unable to give her a better life.

Zhong barely got any rest during the day, recalled her second son Zeng Liyuan. She got up at dawn to cook for the whole family. Then she walked on her distorted feet to gather firewood in the mountains. She also stayed up till midnight to make clothes for each of her kids.

As fate would have it, Zhong's life saw no improvement, as her husband went blind in an accident in his 30s, leaving all the family burdens on her shoulders.

Never for a single time did Zhong complain or quarrel with her short-tempered spouse, she just worked around difficulties bit by bit, without taking breaks.

As her children grew up and invited her to live with them, Zhong kept doing anything she was still capable of at her senior age. Whenever she was stopped from doing so, she said "people must work, and then they get things to eat." It was not until when she was 100 years old that Zhong completely quit household chores due to her failing sight.

Now, sitting proudly atop a family tree that has grown to over 170 below her, Zhong still lives a frugal life and even keeps clothes from some 60 or 70 years ago.

"Be nice with others; don't quarrel; be diligent," the elderly woman often says to herself.

Zhong is given a kiss by a family infant at her birthday celebration. [wccdaily]

(Source: wccdaily/Translated and edited by Women of China)

Editor: Eileen Cheng(Women of China)

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Geralyn: This was a blessed insight for me today. I especially appreciate the quote from St. Therese and not being a “half sai8t&#n221;. I give God too many of my leftovers! As with guests of honor at the table, I need to give Him the first portion since He is the guest of my soul. Thank you for this wonderful article!