Chinese Twins Admitted by Harvard University

Twin sisters Sun Yumeng and Sun Yutong [People's Daily Online]

Sun Yumeng and Sun Yutong, twin sisters living in Nanjing,capital of east China's Jiangsu Province have been admitted by Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Sun Yumeng and Sun Yutong were born on August 29, 1994. They received the middle school education in Nanjing Foreign Language School. In high school, they were members of the bodybuildingteam and both of them won the title of National level bodybuilder. In 2012, the twins were admitted by Fudan University in Shanghai. Greater news came this march that they were admitted by Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Sun Yutong wrote on twitter-like website Weibo about the feeling of getting admitted by Harvard, saying that she would like to say thanks to a lot of people including her teachers and parents. It was their trust and encouragement that make her dream come true. At the end, she wrote "Hello, Harvard!"

Sun Yumeng said on her Weibo account "Thank you for the congratulations! The hard work paid off. See you in Harvard in August!"

The mother of the twins commented "I was so lucky to have daughters like you in my life. Did I save the world in my past life?"

"To gain you must work hard. But how much you gain is not equal to how much you pay. I am so proud of you who keep making effort to chase after your dreams," she added.

(Source: People's Daily Online)

By Huang JinEditor: Eileen Cheng

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