Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

group wedding was held for 13 air force soldiers and their brides at a military camp in Anshan, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on May 21.

The grooms, all in military uniform, rode fighter plane transporters to carry their loved ones from a nearby hotel.

At the camp the couples took an oath by the fighter jets as part of the ceremony.

Some of the partners had registered for marriage long ago and postponed their weddings multiple times due to emergency tasks.


Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

Soldiers ride fighter plane transporters to carry their brides. []

Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

Soldiers take their brides to visit fighter planes as part of the ceremony. []

Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

Couples take an oath by fighter planes. []

Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

One of the happy couples []

Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

One of the happy couples []

Air Force Wedding Sees Soldier Couples Off to Flying Start

One of the happy couples []


(Source: and edited by Women of China)

Editor: Eileen Cheng

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