Black girl in China

So far we have one person interested let's see if I can catch the attention of others. 

So I was saying if you wanted to know what happened in Changchun well here goes folks, brace yourselves for one of those cliche love stories that have you going awwwwwww. 

On my first day a Grenadian girl was supposed to pick me up as was arrange over skype not knowing who she was because I got her contact information from a friend who knew a friend in Changchun. I got off the train with so much luggage, I paid one of the guys in the train station to take my bags outside. At that time 2012 the train station looked like a poor man's place. I am there looking all around trying to find a black person who looked like the girl I saw from her profile picture. For about 5 mins there I thought no one came to pick me up then I saw this guy walking towards me and asking are you Shanika? I said y-yes and who are you and he replied I am the girl who was supposed to pick you up today countrymate and this is my girlfriend gesturing towards the Chinese girl that was at his side. 

They helped with my bags and we got a taxi to the hotel/dormitory where would become my new home for the next four years. Went through the process of registering and being assigned a room and so on....... My roommate was from Sudan and I don't know if you know but most Sudanese are muslims, this calls for the praying and incense and the call of prayer at the wee hours of the night. Later that day the girl who was actually supposed to collect me from the train station came looking for me to give me a tour of the few floors where foreigners resided. We went to her room first and she told me that if i needed anything do not hesitate to come to her. Then she went to the other guys who pick me up place to collect something and I was waiting for her outside his door when a group of fellars who looked as if they had just come from playing football passed by. 

I looked at one in particular who wore a blue jersey with white pants and still wearing his socks but had removed his shoes. I nodded in his direction and said hello(你好)and he nodded back and replied my hello. That was all the words we exchanged and my friend returned and our tour continued. We visited her friends and I was given a grand welcome with hot chocolate and cake and some chatter. I was already warming up to these kind people. 

After one week school was scheduled to start and I waited with anticipation but enjoying the few times I was invited out with the gang and their girlfriends; me being the only single one. 

Wanna know what happened during school and the stranger I said hello to? See ya next time........

Follow me and I will be sure to tell you. 

Love ya faces. 

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