China L- and M-Visa Extensions Cancelled?

Whoaw, whoaw, relax. There's a bit of a furor on WeChat about the latest regulations from the Chinese labour bureau which appear to suggest that it's impossible to get extensions on L- and M-Visas.


For those expats who live in China thanks to the yo-yoing lifestyle of interminable trips to Hong Kong, announcements like this trigger Panic. Crisis. Apocalypse. Hasty packing of bags.


Hang on. Let's get the facts straight.


For L, or Tourist Visas, if you're on your first entry into China and your visa is for a 30-day stay, you might be able to get between 10 and 30 days of extension if you're very, very clear with the authorities about what your travel plan is. Chance of success is quite small.


For M, or Business Visas (replaced the old F visas back in 2013), if you're coming for the first time to China on a 30-day M Visa, with the right documentation, you could maybe get a 10-30 days extension as well. Chance of success hinges purely on how solid your documents and the documents of your company are.


That's it. 1st time entrants on 30-day L or M visas will have trouble getting extensions beyond that.

As ever, if you have concerns about your visa, check with your company or agent. They're the ones that stay up-to-date with what the regulations mean for your specific case.


As always, if you really want to live in China without the stress of shifting government regulations suddenly closing the venue that lets you stay (or at least with better chances of not being caught in the latest changes), register with a local company and try to get yourself a proper working visa.


Easier said than done, we know, but don't rest comfortably in the cracks, the government's speeding up reforms and it might not be long before you get caught in the bureaucracy.

by Enjoy Team

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