Facebook Back in China?!

Yes! Kind of. If you have access to Android, download an app, and don't mind if it doesn't work all the time. So basically just like having a VPN, really. Things change so that things can stay the same.


The story goes like this; Facebook has updated its Android app to support the online anonymity tool Tor.


How Does Tor Work?


Tor protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location.


Because of its anonymity, Tor has been used by criminals in the past to engage in all kinds of shady activity, but as with any tool, it also has the potential to do good, such as give millions of people access to services that were previously blocked.


However, you still need to download an app to be able to leverage Facebook's new Tor capabilities. Orbot, an app released by the TorProject to let you access Tor on your Android device, is on the Google Play Store for free, and when it's installed, you can activate an option in your Facebook app that essentially lets you have an always-on VPN, right through Facebook.


Don't get your hopes up, though. Like with any VPN, it's not guaranteed to work all the time. Government can still find ways to block your access to sites they deem harmful. But at least this is a step in the direction of a free and unhampered internet.


Oh, and if you own an iPhone or Apple device, you're just out of luck. The Apple Store doesn't have any Tor apps.


Facebook said that the whole project was started by someone interning at the company last summer, so thanks to that enterprising, anonymous individual. We can't prove for certain they struck on the idea while surfing the Dark Net for drugs, but you can't prove they didn't.


What do you think?  Are you going to be using this new Tor-enabled Facebook? We promise we won't tell anyone.

by Enjoy Team(Enjoyshanghai)

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