Broken Facebook Dreams: New Astrill VPN iOS Application May Take 7-10 Working Days

Broken Facebook Dreams: New Astrill VPN iOS Application May Take 7-10 Working Days

 We have confirmed reports of some users deleting the Astrill app and reinstalling it, and the VPN being back up. 

Using our VPN on iOS devices has been a bit problematic the past few days (read: it's not bloody working). Whether it's been one, two, or three days without Instagram for you (three for us, and counting), we're getting pretty fed up. We contacted Astrill to see what they said about the matter, and they responded as follows:

"Due to increased blocking of IPSec protocol, our iOS application in China may not work. Due to limited VPN options iOS devices have, VPN may not work at all as standard VPN protocols are blocked. We have submitted a new iOS application which should solve the issue, it's now awaiting for Apple review before it's published on the App Store. This may take 7-10 days. We appreciate your patience regarding this matter."

We hope that it'll be resolved soon, we'll keep you updated if anything changes, and when the application is ready for downloading. In the meantime, you can read about why we err on the side of caution when it comes to VPN providers to protect our personal information and browsing history.

By:Margaux Schreurs(thebeijinger)

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Anisha: Bei mir hat es auch zwei-dreimal deadauertbis sie so waren wie ich wollte. Aber es hat sich eindeutig gelohnt ich liebe sie und mache sie sehr häuiig.Lfebe Grüße