Chinese food in China is an entire universe of tastes and sensations where the very idea of a single ‘Chinese cuisine’ is blown away.
There are eight key traditional cuisines, defined by geography and style, stretching from Guangdong to Shandong; from the sweet succulent dishes of Jiangsu to the fiery, spicy hotpots of Sichuan.
1) CHUAN: Sichuan Cuisine

Fiery, spicy and often numbingly hot, Chuan cuisine is characterized by the liberal use of Sichuan peppercorns and hot chili oils.
Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁): stir-fried chicken, peanuts, vegetables and chilies
Dandan Mian (担担面): noodles, peanuts and red chili oil
Huoguo (火锅): hot pot prepared with hot spice and Sichuan peppers
2) MIN: Fujian Cuisine

Renowned for its soups and seafood, commonly flavored with red rice wine and shrimp oil. Flavors range from sour to spicy.
Ganjia Fu Mian (海鲜拌面): – seafood noodles
Haili Jian (海蛎煎): oyster pancake
Fotiao Qiang (佛跳墙):“Buddha Jumps Over the Wall,” a variety of shark fin soup
3) LU: Shandong Cuisine (including Beijing)

A focus on pungent dishes flavored with shallots, garlic and dark vinegar. Ingredients include seafood, free-range game, peanuts and grains.
Tangcu Liyu (糖醋鲤鱼): sweet and sour carp
Peking Duck (北京烤鸭): crisp thin slices of oven-roasted duck
Guobao Rou (鍋包肉): sweet and sour crispy beef
4) SU: Jiangsu Cuisine (including Shanghai)

Diversely flavored, Su cuisine ranges from sweet dark-braises to spicy and sour seafood. Known for its precise cooking times and special cooking methods.
Hongshao Rou (红烧肉): red-braised meat
Shizhitou (狮子头): huge apple-sized meatballs
Xiaolong Bao (小笼包): steamed soup dumplings
5) YUE: Cantonese Cuisine

Delicate, savory Yue cuisine is characterized by the justifiably famed dim sum. Plus roasted meat that comes sweet and sauces that are clean and light.
Shao Mai (烧卖): steamed pork dumplings
Ganchao Niuhe (乾炒牛河): honey-stewed pork
Xia Changfen (虾肠粉): rice noodles roll with shrimp
6) XIANG: Hunan Cuisine

Positioned in the middle of the country, Hunan seems to embrace all the flavors of China. From unique sour pickles, to delicate spicy chilies.
Duojiao Yutou (剁椒鱼头): fish head topped with two types of chilies
Shousi Baocai (手撕包菜): cabbage with smoked pork
Suanla Tang (酸辣汤): hot and spicy soup
7) ZHE: Zhejiang Cuisine

The ‘land of fish and rice’, Zhe has non-greasy dishes with a mellow fragrance. Seafood is a popular ingredient and spices are used quite sparingly.
Longjing Xiaren (龙井虾仁): shelled shrimp cooked with longjing tea
Zui Ji (醉鸡): ‘Drunken Chicken’ marinated in Shaoxing wine
Xihu Tiansuan Yu (西湖醋鱼): sour and crispy West Lake Fish
8) HUI: Anhui Cuisine

Earthy, fragrant and fresh, Hui involves more stewing and braising than other cuisines. Ingredients from both land and water are used.
Wuwei Xunya (五味熏鸭): smoked duck
Huotui Dunjia Yu (火腿段甲鱼): stewed turtle with ham
Fuli Shao Ji (符离烧鸡): red-roasted chicken
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