When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, only those resistant to it survive. So, while effectively treating diseases, the use of antibiotics also encourages –somewhat ironically – ever-stronger, more resistant strains of bacteria. For this reason, it’s really important to use antibiotics sparingly – essentially, only when absolutely necessary.
Over-prescribed, Over-used, Over here

Of course, while there are examples of medical over-prescription, it’s truly shocking to learn that, according to a 2009 FDA report (United States Food and Drug Administration, 2009, Summary report on antimicrobials sold or distributed for use in food-producing animals, Department of Health and Human Services), around 80% of all antibiotics used in America – to take one country as an example – were used in animal agriculture. And the vast majority of usage was for non-therapeutic reasons – that is, not for health reasons.

Antibiotics lead to faster growth and encourage animals, especially chickens, to put on weight. This has obvious appeal for commercial, factory farmers who are unwilling to invest the time in slower, natural breeding. But the sharp decline in the effectiveness of antibiotics –in human healthcare –is a high price to pay for increased yields. Furthermore, antibiotics present in animal waste pollutes the environment, accelerating this vicious circle.
Hormones in your Home
Similarly steroidal hormones are often used by factory farmers to encourage faster growth and produce leaner meat, increasing yields and – ultimately –profits. While the science is not yet definitive, some scientists point to the detrimental effects –particularly in young, still developing children –of exposure to additional, surplus hormones.
As concerned parents, the notion –with or without science –is a disturbing one.
As ever, natural is better
FIELDS, your online grocery store, is excited to introduce our new free-range chicken from Daibo – 100% hormone, steroid and antibiotic free!

About Daibo
Committed to ethical farming, making the most of high-end technology, Taiwanese-owned Daibo is located on a 100 acre farm in Greater Shanghai’s Fengxian District.
For 120 days, Daibo chickens are raised free range, fed only on filtered water, fresh grass and natural grain.
Taking the Time
14 years ago, Daibo approached poultry breeding experts SASSO France to help them cultivate premium, pure-bred Taiwanese Red Label Chickens. Daibo wanted to establish a commercially sustainable flock, but were committed to using only traditional ‘farmyard’, free range methods –an antidote to the standardized factory birds being mass produced in China at the time.

100% Certified
Today, Red Label Chickens are a noticeably large breed with golden yellow feathers. An exceptionally good source of protein, they are certified 100% hormone, steroid and antibiotic free by the CFDA (China’s Food and Drug Administration), conforming to new, stricter food regulations.

FIELDS and Daibo believe that the best chicken is natural chicken –animals allowed to grow naturally and free range. In addition, studies show that free range poultry provides healthier levels of saturated fat, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and is a richer source of protein. The meat also often has more flavor due to more exercise and better air quality.
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