China on Camera -BlogTAI Pic of the Day

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shadowzcw: sad.
shadowzcw: it's too false.
TS: totally speechless...
Godwin: Sad..
May: That person's life is pointless
William: i have seem the similiar plot in TV series, sarcastic as hell!
Mani: my point of view the person don't wanna alive anymore.....
Nati: Typical Desperation right there.
Joe: it's both bad and sad. ..that someone has to make a living this way .. .
Photographer wechat 704525272: credit
lucky: like.this people must be given life time in prison
Hammerman: That's real desperation there
Meow: Its obvious that guy needs moneyy
James: Police should follow the the camera report and send the that guy to the prisoner!